
Thursday, 31 March 2016

11 String Electric Kantele

These 11 String Electric Kanteles straddle a few genres of music, probably the most unusual of the instruments I make, they have been used in everything from  New age to Heavy Metal as well as traditional folk music. The current models I have made represent an unusual mix of old and modern with the relic antique finish I use on my Lyres and traditional acoustic Kanteles with new looking guitar hardware

More information can be found on my etsy pages here:

 as well as my website 

For a little trivia  its just over 12 years since I designed and made the original version of these.

 the third Electric Kantele I had made can be seen in this very early Youtube video from 2006!:

The only artist I know  who has recorded with one of these is Chris Conway, 

chris conways kantele

Chris Conway playing at the Elgiva Theatre Chesham 2005

You can hear Chris playing this Electric Kantele on the track called "Between Waterfalls" of this album "river of Life"

chris conway

32Chris Conway
River of Life
Paradise Music PMCD042- 2005

"lush, evocative, relaxing music, played on an amazing collection of instruments", "a unique melange of world music influences from a multi-instrumental master."
You can hear one of my Electric Kanteles on the track called "Between Waterfalls"

available to purchase here

also available at

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Kravik Lyre by Michael J King, Part 2: Chord examples

Instruments here:

Plans to build your own:

Plans included on the 2016 Lyre CD-ROM,  pre-order here:

Tuning used in video A C D E F G A
